Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Upward League Picture Date is Set!

Just an update incase you didn't receive the picture day postcard yet - the Upward Football/Cheerleading Picture Date for this season is Sat., March 20. The pictures will be done through Lifetouch. You will receive the paperwork in the next week and a half so you can look through and decide which picture package you'd like to order. Even if you don't want to order pictures, we ask that all kids from every team participate in the team picture.

When we receive the picture schedule by team, your Coach will let you know and we will also post it here on the blog & NRBC website.


Looking UPWARD.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Game Day Weather Plan

Since games are only a little over a week away, we wanted to go ahead and update parents with our Game Day Weather Back-Up Plan.

In the event of rain, snow or severely damaged fields FROM rain/snow, please do the following to check and see if games are cancellled:

(1.) Check the NRBC Website & Blog - you can check this page to stay updated on weather and game cancellations for game days.

(2.) Call the church voicemail - (757) 484-3423. In the event of cancelled games, we will have it on the church voicemail system. Please stay on the line to listen for information when you call in.

OR, if you are questioning, you can check both of the above for notices on Game Day Cancellations.

We hope that we don't have to cancel and re-schedule any games this season, but we want you to know how to check and be prepared just in case!

Looking UPWARD.

Monday, February 22, 2010

First Practice & Jersey Exchanges

The first practice on Saturday went very well.

If you have any problems with jerseys or need to exchange for a different size, please contact Lizzy McClelland at (757) 484-3423.

We took lots of pictures of the first practice Saturday - those will be up by tonight for everyone to enjoy.

If you'd like to submit any of your pictures of practices/games to go on the blog to share with the League please send to:

Rain Plan for Football Teams - Practice rain plans are decided by your Coaches, so please contact them with questions regarding re-scheduled practices or moving indoors.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Teams Assembled & Picture Date Set!

Just wanted to update everyone and let you know that all Football & Cheer teams have been assembled and the League Picture Day is set for Sat., March 20. Lifetouch will be taking the pictures. We will send home the picture schedule and order form with the Football players & Cheerleaders when we receive them.

Looking forward to the first practice this Sat., February 20 from 10:00 - 11:00 am.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Team Rosters Update

Evaluations are officially over and now on to the next step which is creating teams and getting rosters to Coaches!

You should receive a phone call from your Coach by next week (mid-week)...but if not, all teams will practice at NRBC next Sat., February 20 from 10:00 am - 11:00 am. Cheerleaders will meet in the fellowship hall to begin with (the same place we started evaluations/registration) and Football players will meet on the big NRBC Rec Field (Coaches will have team signs so you can find them).

If you have any questions that were not addressed in the information packet you were given, please call the church office at (757) 484-3423.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Saturday's Evaluations Postponed

We have been delaying making this call, but unfortunately, due to the current weather and the field's current conditions, Saturday's evaluations are going to be postponed until Tuesday, February 9.

SO ... we will hold Evaluations, rain or shine, on Monday, February 8 and Tuesday, February 9 at the church from 5:30 until 6:30 pm (look for balloons or signs if we have to move indoors to the fellowship hall). You can come any time during the alloted time slot, but please remember we have less time and still over 100 kids! It's not too late to invite people to register.

If you can not make either Evaluation, please contact Lizzy McClelland at or at the church (757) 484-3423 to schedule an Evaluation. (We will work with you if you can't make the two above dates, but encourage each child to attend at some point during the given times & dates).

Looking Upward and looking forward to a great season.

Saturday's Forecast

Dear Upward Families,
As of a few minutes ago, the weather forecast isn't looking too great - but we aren't ready to postpone yet! If it rains a lot today and through the night, the fields will not be safe because they are still icy and wet. Then we will postone Saturday's Evaluations to Tuesday night - rain or shine. (We will move indoors if needed Monday & Tuesday).

Please stay tuned for updates tonight and early tomorrow morning.

Looking Upward!

Thursday, February 4, 2010


We will continue to update you tomorrow and early Saturday morning if Saturday's Evaluations are postponed to Tuesday. Either way, Monday's Evaluations will NOT be cancelled.

If you have any additional questions, please contact the church office at (757) 484-3423.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Evaluations Weather Backup Plan

Hello all,
Just wanted to inform you of our Weather Backup plan for Flag Football Evaluations & Cheerleading Orientation this Sat., February 6 (9:00 - 11:00 am) and Mon., February 8 (5:30 - 6:30 pm).

If it's snowing or raining on Saturday (like the weather man is calling for) we will cancel Football Evaluations and Orientation for Saturday, February 6 and move them to Tuesday, February 9 (5:30 - 6:30 pm).

Monday's Evaluations will proceed weather permitting or not (if it's raining, we will move inside the church fellowship hall) as well as Tuesday's make-up Evaluation if Saturday's is cancelled.

If you have any questions regarding the Evaluations or Orientation or for updates on cancellations for Saturday, please continue to check this blog. We will keep you up to date throughout this week and weekend.

Please give me a call if you have any questions.
Lizzy McClelland
(757) 484-3423