Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Soccer Workshop for 5th-8th graders

Soccer Workshop for 5th – 8th graders
Thurs., August 2nd
6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
NRBC Recreation Fields
Cost: FREE
Opportunity to prepare for the upcoming soccer season by rotating between 3 stations – (1) skills, (2) drills & (3) scrimmaging!

Register by calling the office at (757) 484-3423.

Coaches & Referees are needed to help with the stations to officiate games. Contact Lizzy if you are interested – (757) 484-3423 or

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Collecting Items for Half Day Camp on June 28

We are getting psyched for our first half day camp at NRBC - Mad Science/Ooey Gooey Fun on Thurs., June 28.

Due to some fun crafts and experiments we will be conducting, we are collecting the following items:

  • Baby Jars
  • Large, Plastic Soda Bottles  (We need at least 2 per camper X 24 = 48 needed)
  • Two sets of rain boots (small adult size that could fit every camper).

If you are willing to donate any of the items above, please call or email Lizzy Christian at: or (757) 484-3423