Thursday, March 28, 2013

Happy Easter!!

Hey Upward Families,

I wanted to take a moment and wish you all a very happy Easter.  I hope it is a weekend of remembering the finished work of Christ on the cross and the concurred tomb.  I also hope you have a great spring break together with your family.

See you back out at the rec field on April 6th.

Because of Christ,


Monday, March 25, 2013

Easter and Spring Break Upward Schedule

Hey Upward Families,

I wanted to make sure everyone got the schedule for this week and next week for Upward.

- Practice will remain the same for this week (March 25-29)
- No games Saturday, March 30
- No practices the week of April 1-5
- Games resume Saturday, April 6

We hope that you have a wonderful time celebrating/remembering awesome God is and what it is He did in sending His Son to die on the cross so that we might have the opportunity to be forgiven and have a personal relationship with Him forever.

Because of Christ,

Jeff Walton 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Week #4 Game Schedule

Hey Upward Families,

Here is the game schedule for week #4.

Looks like the weather is going to be cool but sunny.  Look forward to seeing you out there.

Because of Christ, 


Thursday, March 14, 2013

Week #3 Game Schedule

Hey Upward Families,

As promised, here is this Saturday's (Week 3) game schedule.

Also, as a reminder, if weather is bad, please check the blog.  We will let you know if games have to be cancelled.

I hope this week has been filled with opportunities for you to grow in your knowledge of God.

See you out at the field Saturday!

Because of Christ,


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Master Schedule for Flag Football and Cheerleading 2013

Hey Upward Families,

I wanted to post for you the master schedule for this season (Week 3-Week8).  There have been two schedules sent out.  The first one had some errors on it and the second one was the updated schedule. I wanted to post this one so you could use it to work off of and refer to from now on.  In addition to posting the schedule here, every Thursday I will post the current up coming game schedule for each week.  If you ever have any concerns or questions please feel free to contact me by email at or through the church office, 484-3423.  Look forward to seeing you out at the field on Saturday.

Because of Christ,
